- 2013
Projektbeschreibung der Autorin:
"Zuerst gab es einen Tweetup in einer Ausstellung, die es gar nicht gibt. Jetzt gibt es aus den dort entstandenen Tweets den literarischen Text „Engelvariationen“.
- 2014
Projektbeschreibung der Autorin:
"Das Projekt #readingNY unternimmt den Versuch, eine Stadt zu lesen wie ein Buch. Natürlich nicht irgendeine Stadt. Gelesen wird in New York. Und zwar alles was mir spannend, rätselhaft, vielsagend, absurd nichtssagend – kurz lesenswert erscheint.
Meine Fundstücke sammle ich in diesem Tumblr.
Und vielleicht wird ja mal mehr daraus – vielleicht sogar ein Text? Literatur?
- 2012
Before Leona and Robert formed the project group they already had lively conversations on the possibilities of audible literature compared to the potential of written or printed instances. There was also a great deal of talk about sound-engineering, too, which they considered to be a necessary discipline to achieve convincing results in "writing" and "wreading" sonic literature. But the most intriguing discourse emerged on the concepts of "depth" and "contour".
- 1996
- 1997
- 1997
Guido Grigat’s 23:40 – das kollektive Gedächtnis (“23: 40 – The Collective Memory”) is a prime example of Second Generation Hypermedia in that it takes advantage of the Internet’s communicative possibilities. It is a prototypical collaborative hypertext in that it gives full authorship to its ‘wreaders’, who may post their contributions directly to the website. Their lexias subsequently appear as part of an ever-changing hypertext clock, which changes its lexias every minute, displaying the contribution which has been appointed to that particular time.
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997