- 1998
- 1999-2002
- 1997
Author's description:
Built in Java, hypoem is a dynamic, interactive system for typographic hyperpoetry that extends concrete poetry to the virtual environment. The work contains four poems by the author and comes along with an editor allowing users to generate hypoems. Alternatively, users can download and modify the work's source code to create hypoems according to new rules.
- 2014
Author's description:
"A Twitterbot that combines verses from the Bhagavad Gita with online dating profile texts."
- 2015
Ein Algorithmus durchfährt das Themenuniversum der Onlineenzyklopädie Wikipedia und sammelt dessen Einträge. Ein Text wird generiert, in dem der Sprecher sein Wissen über jeden einzelnen dieser Einträge leugnet.
Publisher's description:
An algorithm combs through the universe of online encyclopedia Wikipedia and collects its entries. A text is generated in which a narrator denies knowing anything about any of these entries.
- 1997
- 2014
- 1998
- 1997
- 1998